Teaching Your Kids to Ski Video — Tips for Parents

Ready to introduce your kids to skiing so your whole family can share this amazing sport?

Enrolling your child in a lesson with a professional instructor is a great way to begin. PSIA-AASI also has a YouTube library of short, informative, easy-to-understand and implement videos that will help you and your kids get off to a great start.

In “Teaching Your Kids to Ski: Tips for Parents,” PSIA-AASI National Team member Brian Smith provides timely insight on:

  1. Enjoying the sport as a family without trying to be too much of an instructor and inventing fun games everyone can enjoy together.
  2. Selecting the right terrain by being patient and not hurrying your kids up the slopes. As your kids progress, the time you spent on easy terrain building skills will really pay off.

For more tips like this, contact your PSIA-AASI Certified Ski and Snowboard Pro. You can also get more insight at the PSIA-AASI YouTube Playlist.